Guernsey Press

Plea for Health Secretary to roll out ‘transformative’ child jab

Doctors said that every year children’s hospital services ‘grind to a halt’ due to RSV.


More than 2,000 doctors have implored the Health Secretary to introduce a “game-changer” vaccine which could prevent thousands of babies and pre-schoolers from being admitted to hospital every year.

In June last year, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised ministers that they should press ahead with a vaccination programme for respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, for both babies and older adults.

Leading children’s doctors urged ministers to ensure the programme was in place before winter.

It said that the introduction of a vaccine programme to infants could result in 108,000 fewer GP consultations, 74,000 fewer A&E visits and 20,000 fewer hospital admissions a year, solely in those aged under one.

The College has written to Health Secretary Victoria Atkins urging her to roll out a programme.

The letter has been signed by more than 2,000 paediatricians and healthcare professionals.

RCPCH president, Dr Camilla Kingdon, said: “Every year our child health services grind to a halt with high levels of RSV and other winter bugs – we now have an opportunity to turn the tide on this trend.

“The implementation of an RSV immunisation programme would be an absolute game-changer, not just for the NHS and doctors on the ground, but also for parents who we know struggle with unwell children throughout the winter period.

“Reducing RSV cases annually will also allow us to focus on reducing waiting times for children and young people, a listed priority for our government.

“Child health teams are working tirelessly to address the growing backlogs, but without proper support, their efforts are unable to make a meaningful dent in the problem.

“We simply cannot have another winter like the last. The Chancellor and Health Secretary must heed the advice of doctors. Together with 2,000 of my colleagues, I urge them to seize this opportunity and not wait until after the upcoming election. RSV won’t wait.”

Professor Ian Sinha, consultant respiratory paediatrician and member of the Asthma and Lung UK Council of Healthcare Professionals, added: “RSV is a widespread threat to infants.

“The lack of Government action following the JCVI’s recommendation for a vaccination programme is a blow to children and young people in the UK, who already have worse respiratory outcomes than those in other rich countries.

“We need swift and decisive action now to ensure there is time to implement this programme in the autumn. Delaying further will complicate procurement and delivery, leaving thousands of infants needlessly vulnerable to this dangerous infection next winter.”

RSV is a common respiratory bug that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, and most children will have the virus before they are two.

But for a number of children it can lead to severe disease, or even death.

In infants, the virus can cause bronchiolitis which leads to the inflammation of the small airways and significant breathing difficulties.

Each year in the UK, the virus circulates in the winter months and typically peaks in December.

Studies have shown that an RSV jab is up to 83.2% effective at preventing RSV hospital admissions among babies.

Symptoms include a runny nose, decreased appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing.

Parents are urged to seek emergency help if babies are not drinking enough, if a baby is visibly working hard to breathe, or has pauses between breaths or starts to turn blue.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We recognise the impact that RSV has on individuals and the capacity of our NHS services.

“We are working with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and NHS England to explore the potential for an RSV vaccine programme for infants and older adults, in line with independent JCVI advice.

“A final decision will be made by ministers in the coming months.”

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