Guernsey Press

What to expect on the General Election campaign trail on Monday

The Liberal Democrats will launch their manifesto, while Rishi Sunak will return to the campaign trail.


Here is your guide to the main developments in the General Election campaign on Monday.

– The manifesto show

The Liberal Democrats are first out of the traps, with the Tories, Labour and Greens all expected to produce their policy promises this week.

Sir Ed Davey’s party will put a £9 billion-a-year pledge to transform England’s health and care system at the heart of its pitch to voters.

General Election announcement
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey will launch his party’s manifesto on Monday (Andrew Matthews/PA)

But the health plan will involve raking in an extra £5 billion by tightening capital gains tax rules for the wealthiest 0.1% and hitting the banks with a £4 billion tax bill.

Sir Ed said the Tory handling of the NHS had been a “national scandal”.

– Back in the spotlight

Rishi Sunak largely avoided the media over the weekend as he licked his wounds following the mauling he received for leaving the D-Day 80th anniversary events in Normandy before the main international ceremony.

But the Prime Minister will return to the General Election fray on Monday with a visit in south-east England and a high-profile BBC interview with Nick Robinson at 8pm.

But Mr Sunak will be hoping to talk instead about Tory plans to recruit an extra 8,000 neighbourhood police officers.

– Won’t somebody think of the children?

Labour has set out plans to convert unused primary school classrooms into nurseries to create 100,000 extra childcare places in England.

Sir Keir Starmer said a shortage of provision had held children back and stifled parents’ ability to pursue careers.

General Election campaign 2024
Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer at a campaign event on Sunday (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry suggested on Sunday “it would be fine if we have to, in the short term, have larger classes”.

– Reforming the economy

Nigel Farage will lead a Reform UK press conference setting out the party’s economic plans.

General Election campaign 2024
Leader of Reform UK Nigel Farage will set out his economic plans (James Manning/PA)
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