Guernsey Press

Plaid Cymru’s General Election manifesto at a glance

The party launched their manifesto in Cardiff on Thursday morning.


Plaid Cymru has launched its General Election manifesto in Cardiff, with promises to provide “fairness” for people in Wales.

Here are some of the headline policy proposals from Plaid Cymru.

– The economy

Plaid Cymru has called for a new needs-based funding system for Wales to replace the Barnett Formula.

It is calling for full control of economic levers, with the Senedd having powers to set income tax bands and thresholds similar to the Scottish system.

The party would re-introduce the cap on bankers’ bonuses. It says equalising capital gains tax with income tax would raise between £12bn-£15bn.

It would also investigate increasing National Insurance contributions for higher earners, and supports the introduction of a wealth tax.

In its manifesto, Plaid Cymru says it would crack down on tax evasion and avoidance, and abolish loopholes for non-doms.

The party campaigned for Wales to remain within the European Union in 2016 and believes the UK should re-enter the European Single Market and Customs Union “at the earliest opportunity”.

Plaid Cymru says it would create a Welsh Green New Deal, to create work in the green and net-zero sector.

It is also calling for the Post Office to be devolved for Wales and in public ownership.

– Health and social care

Plaid Cymru is calling for wage restoration pledges for NHS staff to be implemented as soon as possible.

It would restore funding for GPs to 8.7% of the Welsh health budget and recruit an additional 500 GPs across the country.

The party would review governance of the NHS in Wales and introduce a regulatory body for senior health managers, who are not accountable to their bodies such as the General Medical Council (GMC).

There should be a Wales-specific inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic, while appropriate support should be provided for people affected by long Covid, Plaid Cymru says.

The manifesto calls for a National Care Service for Wales, with social care free to use like health care. Social care workers would be paid at least £1 above the real living wage.

Plaid Cymru said the Mental Health Act should be reformed, with the powers under the act transferred to Wales.

– Education

Plaid Cymru is calling for universal free school meals to be extended to secondary school pupils, in years seven to 11.

The cost of school-related expenses, such as transport, uniforms and extra-curricular activities, should be reduced.

The party would recruit and retain 5,000 teachers and support staff, and appoint more non-teaching staff.

All students should leave school fluent in both English and Welsh, as well as at least one other language, the manifesto says.

Plaid Cymru would offer a grant of £5,000 to the personal learning accounts of every person over the age of 25 to train or re-train, with added loans to cover more expenses courses and maintenance costs for full-time courses.

– Criminal justice

Plaid Cymru is calling for justice powers to be fully transferred to Wales, with the creation of a Minister of Justice in the Welsh Government.

It said there should be additional funding for Cardiff, given its status as a capital city and the high profile events that take place there.

The party would create a Victims Commissioner for Wales.

There would be four community-based women’s centres across Wales for female offenders, in the north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east of the country.

Police officers would be required to declare membership of clubs, societies and organisations to ensure out-of-workplace relationships are “transparent”, Plaid Cymru said.

The party called for the introduction of drug consumption rooms across Wales, and a policy of soft drugs decriminalisation.

The UK Home Office should remove the criminal records of those cautioned or convicted of drugs possession offences where there are no further aggravating factors, it said.

Plaid Cymru would repeal parts of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and the Public Order Act 2022 that restricts non-violent protest.

– Climate change

Plaid Cymru is calling for Wales to have full control over energy powers, and over the Crown Estate in Wales.

It also wants control of water in Wales and would formally request powers from the UK over the licencing of sewage in Wales.

The party opposes the development of new sites for nuclear power stations and would oppose new licences for oil and gas drilling.

– Welfare

Plaid Cymru would increase child benefit by £20 per week for all children. This is currently received by 94% of children in Wales.

It would scrap the two-child limit on universal credit payments.

The party would make a minimum payment of £120 per week for an individual and £200 for a couple on Universal Credit, so deductions do not take income below this threshold.

It will keep the triple-lock pension increase.

There could be a Welsh Benefits System, with the creation of new payments such as a Welsh Child Payment.

Plaid Cymru supports an increase in statutory sick pay in line with statutory maternity pay.

The party will also support pilots of a universal basic income.

– Foreign affairs and defence

Plaid Cymru believes Wales should re-join the European Union at an “appropriate point”, and join the European Single Market and Customs Union “as soon as practical”.

It is demanding that the UK Government enforce decisions made by the International Criminal Court, and to expel the Israeli ambassador until the Israeli Government “ends its apartheid and illegal actions”.

The party also demands a ban on all arms sales to the state of Israel.

The UK should also withhold licences to sell arms to countries with poor human rights records, and there should be a review of the arms export control system, Plaid Cymru says.

– Transport

Plaid Cymru believes that railways should be re-nationalised, along with major bus services.

The party would investigate a scheme for a Young People’s Bus Pass, which could work in the same way as an Older People’s Bus Pass.

– Culture, media and sport

The power to decide Bank Holidays should be in the hands of the Senedd, with St David’s Day becoming a Bank Holiday on March 1 each year, Plaid Cymru says.

Sporting events of national importance to Wales, such as the Rugby Six Nations, should be free-to-air on television.

Broadcasting powers should be devolved to Wales, with the establishment of an Independent Broadcasting Authority for Wales.

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