Anne presents awards to criminal justice workers
The Butler Trust Awards were launched in 1985, in memory of former home secretary, Richard Austen Butler.

The Princess Royal was joined by the King when she hosted the annual Butler Trust Awards ceremony recognising criminal justice workers.
Anne presented the awards during the event held at St James’s Palace in central London in her role as the trust’s patron.
The awards recognise and celebrate outstanding people working in prisons, probation and youth justice across the UK.

It recognised his exceptional work as an officer, during a career lasting more than 30 years, and his “unparalleled skill and compassion” in working with some of the most challenging individuals.
Charles chatted to the winners at a reception after his sister had made the presentations.

Anne has been its patron since the creation of the honours and has hosted the prizegiving ceremony every year since.
The trust works to promote excellence in UK prisons, probation, and youth justice by recognising and celebrating outstanding practice, and supporting the development of good practice through awards, training, and resource.