Ed Miliband just revealed something truly shocking about his taste in chocolate
The people thought they knew you, Ed.

Ed Miliband’s political career over the past few years has been slightly unconventional, to say the least.
After being mocked in the lead-up to the 2015 general election, Miliband was the subject of one of the first truly memorable viral political “campaigns” – as his popularity among young people saw the emergence of the Milifandom.
Since then, the MP for Doncaster North has undergone a bit of an upgrade online and regularly throws sass in the direction of anyone who he thinks warrants it.
But, on Wednesday, after working so hard to build up his fanbase, Miliband said something in response to this tweet that confused and hurt many of them.
Are you ready?…
Yep, turns out Ed Miliband is a monster.
Or at least he is according to these Freddo Frog-loving people.
The people, Ed, they thought they knew you.
Someone thought they had a theory as to why Miliband might prefer chocolate buttons to Freddo Frogs.
But, as is the case with British politics in 2017, the people were divided.
Some agreed with the former Labour leader, even going as far to suggest this admission undid anything they’d previously held against him.
But like a true leader, sensing division Miliband put forward his vision for a Different Britain, a Stronger Britain. Together.
And welcomed a bunch of puns by doing so.
The Milibanter will never die.