Guernsey Press

Meet the artist behind this stunning mural of Frida, Mexico’s canine hero

Celeste Byers says Mexicans are “coming together” following September’s earthquake.


Frida the rescue dog became a symbol of hope and a hero in the recovery efforts which took place after the earthquake in Mexico last month – and artist Celeste Byers has now commemorated her efforts in vibrant paint.

Byers spent eight days immortalising the golden Labrador on the side of a building in Mexico City.

The mural in the city
(Celeste Byers)

“I was inspired by Catholic imagery of the Virgin of Guadalupe where she is radiating light,” Byers told the Press Association. “I wanted Frida to look holy.”

Eight-year-old Frida has found 53 bodies and helped rescue 12 people alive during her six-year career.

Clad in goggles and neoprene booties, her efforts following September’s quake, which killed at least 369 people, were seen on television and computer screens across the world.

Byers said people are “coming together to help each other” in the wake of the magnitude 5.5 earthquake.

“It seems like everyone is doing something to help others in the city,” she added. “Though there is still more to be done.”

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