9 terrifying stories that prove geese are in fact evil
Seriously, stay the heck out of their way.
If you’ve ever got on the wrong side of a goose, you’ll know they can be surprisingly vicious creatures.
With this in mind, user ABigNothingBurger took to Reddit to ask people: “What’s your worst experience with a goose?”
And sure enough, lots of people have had very bad experiences with geese.
1. Geese are evil
2. Seriously though, geese are evil
“When I visited Malaysia, there were some wild geese were some relatives lived. If you were riding your motorcycle near them, they’d try to pull you off. I don’t think they were ever successful. Probably because I heard someone killed them before they scored a kill themselves. Not gonna say I’m upset about that.” – retrorhythms
3. What more proof do you need that geese are evil?
4. They’re so evil they need to be fought off with guns
“Went to a very very very small college, one entrance in and out of campus. My freshman year a science class (can’t remember which) decided to do a research project on goslings so they somehow attracted geese/got some geese onto campus (not really sure of these details) and after 3 years the geese had multiplied. This wouldn’t be a problem except they protect their nests like crazy and after 3 years there were 3 different nests perfectly triangulated so anywhere you were on campus you’d be in the goose attack danger zone. Walking to class? Goose attack. Want to go to the dining hall? Goose attack. Take a nice walk through the arboretum? Goose attack. Worst experience personally: offending a goose by trying to get to my car and leave, 2 chased me and started pecking my car, the dents were there until the day my car died. Eventually the school had the geese moved to some sanctuary/farm. Or that’s what they told us, could be the same farm my childhood dog went to, who knows.” – notjanelane
8. Geese probably think we’re evil too tbf
“My brother and I used to have a pump bb gun that we would use to scare the birds off our dock. The first time I was allowed to shoot, my dad was explaining what to do and not to worry ’cause the only way you would kill a goose is if you happened to hit them right through the neck. Being that I was like 6 years old and they were between 50 and 80 yards from us everything should have been fine.
“Well, first shot, goose down. I gave my dad the gun and ran inside crying.” – milleribsen
9. Actually we’re with the goose on this one. Leave the geese alone