Guernsey Press

This clever dog opens and shuts the front door when his owner’s hands are full

Buddy was rescued from a tough background by retired fireman Roger Hollowell.


What make’s man’s best friend even better? When they can help you round the house.

Roger Hollowell, a 59-year-old retired fireman and ranch manager from Aspen, Colorado, has trained his dog Buddy to open and shut the front door for him.

“Buddy knows so many ‘tricks’ that it would take a while to list them all here,” Roger, who also trains horses, told the Press Association.

“Taught him this one by first teaching him to ring a bell on the door knob to be let out.

“I then extended that response by using a handle knob that opened easily.”

Buddy is a six-year-old Australian Shepherd, though not pure-bred, that Roger rescued.

“He came from a horrible place that docked his tail with a meat shear,” said Roger. “It took me over a year to be able to handle his hind quarters.

“When I first met Buddy he was a part of a litter that had been so abused that just reaching in the kennel to touch them produced yelps of fear.”

Buddy looking into camera
A man’s best Buddy (@rrhaspen/Twitter)

“We have to watch and comfort him when strangers come over. He will heel them (nip at the back of their legs) if not watched.

“He does not do it in an aggressive way, I think it is just instinct, but it does startle those who get heeled.

“He loves other dogs and is very social and playful with them but when it comes to other people he does not trust them and does not want to socialise at all.

“You have to earn his trust; once he knows and trusts you he is very loving.”

Buddy shutting the door
Closing the door behind him (@rrhaspen/Twitter)
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