Here’s what happens if you get stung by a bee near your eye

An amateur beekeeper is freaking out Reddit users with a picture showing her body’s reaction to a bee sting.
Grace Randolph, 24, was stung by a bee on Monday just under her left eye, causing half of her face to swell up.
The Applied Physics graduate is no stranger to bees, but this is the worst sting she has had. She was also stung in three other places that day.
“I got my own hive for the first time back in December of 2017!”
Grace wasn’t wearing her beekeeping suit when she was stung, as she was only going near the hives to pick up her tools, but she says “they were still pretty agitated”.
After her face swelled up, Grace took a trip to the hospital to get checked out.
“The doctor told me I am not allergic, but he did prescribe me an EpiPen just in case I ever go into anaphylactic shock.”
The swelling took two days to go down, but at least she got an epic photo out of it.