Guernsey Press

Terminally ill dog ticks ‘riding in a police car’ off bucket list

Mushu’s owners wrote her a bucket list ‘to give her an opportunity to let her enjoy her last few weeks or months’.


When Mushu was diagnosed with terminal cancer, her owners decided they needed to do something to help make the dog’s final moments special.

So Josh and Kerry Boyd, from Queensland, Australia, wrote a bucket list for their ailing 11-year-old best friend.

The latest thing they’ve ticked off is a ride in a police car – sunglasses, cap and Queensland Police constable Rachel Skill riding shotgun included.

From the bucket list, Mushu has already visited a beauty parlour and Josh and Kerry plan to take her to a retirement home next.

“It was just a good way to celebrate her life,” Kerry told Seven News. “The vets told us we didn’t have many treatment options because she’s got arthritis in her leg.

“It’s a hard thing as a dog person to hear that kind of news so to put a positive spin on it and also just to give her an opportunity to let her enjoy her last few weeks or months, whatever it may be.”

Sergeant Nigel Dalton wrote on the police department’s website: “It was wonderful to see the smiles on Mushu’s parents Kerry and Josh’s face and help them enjoy Mushu while she is still well enough.”

The dog in the car with the owner behind
(Queensland Police)
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