Guernsey Press

Greta Thunberg encourages ‘digital strike’ amid coronavirus fears

The environmental activist, who has been encouraging young people to strike on Fridays, agreed with expert advice against large gatherings.


Teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg has encouraged people to take part in a “digital strike” this Friday, instead of gathering in big crowds amid coronavirus fears.

Thunberg, who started the moving Fridays For Future has been encouraging young people to strike from school on Fridays to demand more action from the world’s governments on environmental issues.

However, as Covid-19 continues to spread worldwide, experts have been urging people to avoid large public gatherings in a bid to flatten the curve and slow the spread of the deadly virus.

In the UK, the number of cases has risen to 382, with a sixth death confirmed on Tuesday.

Thunberg tweeted to her 4.11 million followers: “I personally recommend that we do as the experts say. Especially in high-risk areas.

“We young people are the least affected by this virus but it’s essential that we act in solidarity with the most vulnerable and that we act in the best interest of our common society.

“The climate and ecological crisis is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced but for now (of course depending on where you live) we’ll have to find new ways to create public awareness & advocate for change that don’t involve too big crowds – listen to local authorities.

“So keep your numbers low but your spirits high and let’s take one week at the time. You can join the #DigitalStrike for upcoming Fridays- post a photo of you striking with a sign and use the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline !”

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