Guernsey Press

Robins discovered nesting in parked-up Toyota

Birds saw an opportunity to make a new home in the silver Corolla.


A family of robins have found the perfect home – in the wheel arch of a parked-up Toyota Corolla.

Discovered by Toyota staff at the firm’s press fleet headquarters, the bird’s nest is already populated by six tiny chicks.

Staff were able to carefully place a video camera opposite the nest in order to monitor the progress of the birds, with footage showing the baby robins being fed by their parents.

Nesting robins
The nest was made in the parked-up car’s wheel arch

Graham Bothamley, Toyota press fleet manager, said: “I noticed a pile of leaves around the base of the rear wheel arch of the Corolla on April 12 and discovered a nest full of eggs balanced on the top of the wheel.

“We saw signs in early April that the robins had tried to build a nest in our car wash area, but that’s usually very noisy, so we think that’s why they relocated to a quieter spot, and with our car test drives on hold owing to the current lockdown, the family have plenty of peace and quiet.”

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