Guernsey Press

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PEOPLE who complain about the cost of education aren’t very bright. Does that statement seem a little provocative? Good. It is meant to be.


‘If you think education is expensive, try ignorance’

– Derek Bok.

We can apply this quotation specifically to our education plans here in Guernsey because, quite rightly, there is a focus on the cost. Although the education plans seem expensive, in the long run it is less expensive than not improving our system.

Countries with a greater portion of their population attending FE colleges, sixth forms and universities see faster economic growth than countries with fewer educated workers. As a result, many countries are increasing their funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance. Education should be seen as an investment in human capital, in the same way as an investment in better equipment. The education and training of a country’s workforce is a major factor in determining how well the country’s economy will perform. This can be easily demonstrated by simply looking at the correlation between attained educational levels and the gross domestic product for different countries.

It was a huge disappointment of the debate on funding education to see that some deputies who had previously supported the 11-18 model opposed it without reason and without suggesting an alternative. As asked by one leading deputy, ‘Were they gambling our children’s futures on a potential election promise which would be impossible to deliver?’

I believe that these negative deputies think that they have the populist public support and are only interested in getting re-elected.

They are wrong and we need to expose these tactics and encourage people to vote for candidates who are going to support and make these plans work.

I shall make two predictions:

1. This new gold-plated education system will be the envy of the UK and beyond.

2. We will see a huge uptake in students choosing the new vocational T-level options at post-16 (YouTube T-levels to find out more).

However, these predictions will not come true if we continue to re-elect negative populist deputies who throw around wet blanket phrases like ‘If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it’.

If we all had that attitude, we would still be living in caves and nothing would improve.

I know that this letter won’t win me many votes, but trying to make anti-populism popular is a difficult challenge, especially when it is so easy to fall into these populist traps. Please don’t fall for it.


A St Sampson’s parishioner.

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