Guernsey Press

Latest from the States


A BID to delay the £80m. airport project was thrown out this afternoon.

Deputy John Gollop brought the sursis, which lost by 38 votes to six.

He was accused of panicking about making a tough decision.

But it has not all been plain sailing for Public Services refurbishment plans.

It faced strong questions from deputies about some of the costs, including £1m. earmarked for a project manager.

Department minister Bernard Flouquet opened by saying it was an essential project, but warned because of its complexity there would be disruption.

Full details will appear in tomorrow's Guernsey Press.

HOW the States helps some of the poorest in Guernsey with their housing costs will change.

Social Security and Housing's green paper was passed this afternoon and they will now report back with firm proposals to integrate two schemes.

But there was some criticism of Social Security's intention to apply for an above RPI increase to the benefit cap for next year.

Individuals currently needing help with rent in the private sector are assessed under Social Security's supplementary benefit scheme, which tops up incomes and helps with housing costs but is capped at £405 a week.

By contrast, tenants in social housing under Housing's rent rebate scheme have their rent reduced when it assesses what a tenant can afford to pay.

WORK on refurbishing St Peter Port School in a £3.7m. project was given the go-ahead by the States this morning.

The former secondary school has long been earmarked as a base for the Music Service, Youth Service, Youth Theatre and some College of Further Education courses, allowing the department to return its Brock Road site to be redeveloped as social housing.

GUERNSEY French enthusiasts will put forward a plan to keep language alive in September.

Deputy David De Lisle raised fears about the language's future during question time.

CONFIDENTIAL legal settlements made by departments will not be investigated by the States Assembly Constitution Committee

Deputy John Gollop, pictured, has asked if the committee would probe whether out-of-court settlements with privacy clauses made by States bodies could be disclosed to the public.

It follows pressure for the Policy Council to release information on its recent secret deal with a UK fishing company.John Gollop Ws

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