Guernsey Press

Do not stifle sporting ambition

GUERNSEY Rugby’s first XVs’ march to the top of the table has been one of the great local sporting success stories.


And the knock-on effect to the wider community should not be underestimated as the crowds down at Footes Lane grow as the season unfolds and a feel-good factor envelops the club.

As minds turn to the financial and sporting consequences of promotion to a national league and the travel that would entail, it again throws the spotlight on how to grow sporting success in the island. Raiders are well aware of the harsh history of rugby clubs spending too much too soon without the financial foundations in place and tumbling into difficulty as they chase glory. That is without the added difficulties of being surrounded by a stretch of water making travel for both you and your opponents even more costly.

Any Guernsey side competing week in and week out on the national stage is tremendous promotion for the island and with visiting teams come supporters, all putting more money into the economy. Jersey States recognised just that when they threw their weight behind the Reds, now at home in the second tier of English rugby, capitalising on the brand recognition and attracting visitors on the back of performances on the field.

Guernsey has no sports strategy and that is a shortcoming that appears no closer to resolution.

Sports clubs are successful largely because of the dedication and hard work of those involved in them – not because of any wider vision. Indeed, recent moves by the States indicate that what little financial support there is will be one of the first things to go when times get tough.

Travel links remain a major barrier, both for the teams involved and their supporters. At times fans have not been able to come to the island because of a lack of capacity.

The ambition to compete at the highest possible level should not be stifled but helped and supported. It is not just about the few involved on the pitch on match day either, this is something that can serve as an inspiration to others to take up sport or more active lifestyles, with the wider health and wellbeing benefits that provides.