Guernsey Press

Snow joke for confused parents

IN YESTERDAY’S traditional will-they-won’t-they pantomime of school snow closures the role of villain was, as ever, played by Baron Education.

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Damned if they did, damned if they didn’t – their answer was to do both.

As the island pulled back its curtains to reveal a mostly white carpet of snow flecked with green hundreds of families had one thought on their minds: will school be cancelled?

For in most of the island the snow was at that awkward stage, bad but not terrible. It was clearly treacherous, but it wasn’t a white-out with drifts you’d need a crampon to traverse.

Each parent had a view but the only one that counted came from Education’s central command.

With mums and dads unsure whether to dig out the toboggans from the loft or to start hooking on the snowchains for the school run, timing was everything.

That, sadly, was where it went wrong.

The promised cut-off point for the big radio announcement came and went leaving behind it a confusing halfway house.

First, it was just the States primary schools that were closing. Awkward for parents with a foot in both camps but a clear call.

Forty minutes later, just as families were picking their way along icy pavements and the school gates were coming into view a second message went out. All States schools would close. Call the office, the kids are at home with me for the day.

It is moments like this that make hardy Europeans and northerners shake their heads in wonder. How can such a modest flurry of snow cause such mayhem.

A single decision. A confused response.

If the forecast is to be believed, this was just a stage rehearsal. Education will get more chances to get it right today and tomorrow.

Let us hope that whatever decision it reaches, this time it sticks to it.

Yesterday, Education had the excuse that it hasn’t happened for a long time.

They were a bit rusty.

That won’t wash again.