Guernsey Press

The EU27 are getting ready, so must we

LIKE rats stuck in a maze, the UK turned another corner last night to discover more dead ends and false trails.


If anything, a no-deal Brexit, the one result most people, the Channel Islands included, are certain they do not want, is a step closer.

For today’s vote to decline a no-deal outcome, while of some comfort, is not binding on Theresa May’s government and, unless Parliament can coalesce around something – anything – else, an unplanned departure remains an inexorable outcome.

The best that can be hoped for, it seems, is a delay. How long and for what reason is not clear. MPs with very different purposes just want the chance to regroup and push again.

All options therefore remain on the table: a reworked dis-May deal back for a third shot at glory, a no-deal exit, a second referendum, a general election or even cancellation of the whole Brexit project.

Choosing the likely winner is a bet even the most foolhardy of punters at Cheltenham racecourse this week would not take.

Bizarrely, while the UK fractures, the EU, with 27 disparate nation states herded into line by Messrs. Juncker and Barnier, remains rock solid

From Spain to Austria, the Netherlands and beyond their message last night was cut and pasted from the same Brussels script: we have done all we can, it is up to the UK now, we will redouble our preparations for no-deal.

In that light, the islands must do likewise and check and double check their preparations for crashing out.

Everything from health and safety laws drafted using EU standards to travel regulations must be gone through with a fine tooth comb to ensure a ready alternative is within easy reach.

For while islanders will expect some disruption should the worst happen, after more than two years of chaotic negotiations none of this should really come as a total surprise.

One thing is certain: this route march is a long way from ending. Whatever journey lies ahead it will take months, if not years, for Parliament to stumble along the path.