Guernsey Press

Good news cannot lead to complacency

THREE weeks into lockdown and the results are ‘as good as could be expected’. Better perhaps.


The curve of infections is flattening, the intensive care unit is empty and there are just eight patients in the Covid-19 ward.

If it is an anti-climax for the hospital emergency teams, who have been braced for the worst, it is a very welcome one.

The sense of relief was palpable in yesterday’s leadership press conference. The strategy of limiting travel and imposing social distancing measures in bars and restaurants followed by a fuller ‘stay at home’ message in March has proved highly effective.

Huge credit must go to both the Civil Contingencies Authority and islanders for that. The one for taking decisive action when required, the other for heeding the message to protect our vulnerable.

As a result, the steep rise in infection seen in northern Italy, parts of Spain and then London and New York has been kept at bay.

Instead of infection rates doubling every day they are now flattening to five days or more.

No one is celebrating. That would be complacent – and disrespectful to those families who have lost loved ones.

But, for the moment at least, a sigh of relief is permissible. It could have been very different.

And still could, of course. The island has its opponent on the ropes with most of the numbers heading in the right direction. It cannot let the virus stage a comeback.

That is the challenge now. How to manage the twin crises of an ongoing health emergency with the mounting economic disaster that comes with weeks and months of lockdown.

Positive messages about how the fight against Covid-19 is progressing are important for morale but will heighten the risk of islanders relaxing their guard too soon.

The demands for a quick end to restrictions are muted for the moment but they will get louder.

Again it is time to trust our medical experts and leadership team. They have the knowledge and information to make a difficult call.

They have done well to get us this far. The faith islanders have shown so far is part of the strength needed to carry on this struggle.