Guernsey Press

British family distanced by messaging

AS LOCKDOWN drags on, the British family is looking increasingly fragmented.


A sombre-looking Boris Johnson last night unveiled the UK government’s new slogan, exchanging the familiar Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives for a more nuanced Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives.

It was pitched by ministers as the right time to update and broaden the message but critics say changing horses in midstream risks confusing the public.

The devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are sticking with the original mantra, fearing the ambiguity of dropping the all-important Stay at Home.

Maintaining a clear message is the next great challenge for all nations as they gradually loosen lockdown restrictions.

Guernsey is no different. As the sounds of distant motorbikes, jet skis and parties filled the air this Liberation weekend while people dusted off their canoes, paddleboards, bicycles and motorboats it was at times hard to discern exactly what effect restrictions were having on ordinary life.

The Prime Minister was careful last night to advocate a cautious approach and, with Germany reporting its dread R-value has edged back above 1, it is clear that an early and wholesale relaxation would be folly.

But as the rules get more nuanced, so they get more complex. Which shops can open and what can they sell? Which traders have been given the green light to open for business?

It is getting ever harder to find solid ground.

And as the simple Stay at Home message fades and the UK splits into its component parts islanders can be forgiven for questioning whether it was on local or national news that they heard exercise time was to be unlimited.

The merest hint of such confusion at government level risks losing public confidence. For with each discordant step within the British family people can see that it is not ‘the science’ that is in command but political judgement based on a wide spectrum of scientific advice.

If there are this many route maps out of lockdown in one small country people across the UK will start to question what makes their road the right one?