Guernsey Press

Keep awake to avoid travel nightmares

EACH stage of the Covid-19 response has been difficult. 5b promises to be trickier than most.


For it is neither one thing nor the other. The borders are not open, but nor are they closed.

Worst of all, it is a moveable feast. One day France is doing okay and safely on the seven-day quarantine list, the next it has had a flare-up and the full 14 days isolation looks possible.

Islanders considering travelling from Monday must bear that in mind. For, just as 500,000 UK tourists were suddenly told that France was losing its quarantine exemption and a great race started to get an early trip home to beat the deadline, the same risk accompanies each journey off-island.

The potential for disappointment, resentment and chaos are obvious.

Many islanders, at least those who feel they have a choice, will not even try to travel. The uncertainty is too troubling, as is the danger of being forced to isolate for 14 days upon return.

For those who cannot work from home it is especially off-putting. A planned week’s holiday could become a three-week enforced break. Not all employers will be sympathetic, particularly if the country or UK region was on the watchlist for possible change.

Travellers are advised to keep a close eye on the States website and its list of A, B, C destinations, updated daily.

They would also be wise to follow closely the news coming out of their intended destination. Signs of clusters and in-country seeding can all too quickly become a problem.

It hardly makes for a relaxing break. With glorious beaches and sunshine (hopefully) on tap in the island many will choose to save their holiday cash for another year or spend part of it on a staycation.

Nor does the complexity of phase 5b end there. Local lockdowns in the UK mean some towns should be avoided and it seems there may be some allowance to passing through high infection rate areas provided holidaymakers keep to their vehicles and do not stop to buy anything.

It is a complicated picture.

It comes down to either staying well informed or staying at home.