Guernsey Press

Calibre of early candidates shows promise

IF THE enthusiasm of candidates can be matched by that of the electorate, the island-wide voting ‘experiment’ might yet win over its critics.


For there is not just comfort in the number of candidates who put their names forward yesterday but the calibre.

The list of 49 contains a good mix of sitting States members, former deputies wanting to have another go and some quality newcomers.

There are candidates who have tried and failed to be elected before, but will have learned something from the disappointment and the new island-wide format might suit their style better.

The rush of nominees will slow as the week goes on, but already there is decent competition for those 38 places, including 19 of the current crop.

If the early list of candidates – albeit male dominated – shows promise, the proposers and seconders are a collection of high-profile islanders and solid parish champions.

Candidates, perhaps recognising that they will need to put everything they can into standing out from the crowd, have assembled strong backers in a bid to carry some reflected glory.

Just one day in, this election has a very different air to the last.

The ‘them and us’ nature of party politics has something to do with it. Are people who back one party taking sides against the other?

Let us hope the island does not quickly become a partisan beast, badged up and sewn into a tight-fitting uniform of party opinions.

More positively, the number of candidates may indicate that parties are giving confidence to some team players who would not have stood on their own but are prepared to give it a go as part of a group.

There is also encouragement for those would-be island deputies who could never establish a solid base of parish support. In this new system they can stand purely on their own policies, hoping to win the votes of a broader electorate.

For political junkies, it promises to be a fascinating election. Some aspects of change were obvious from the moment the referendum result came in, others are just showing through.

More importantly, it might yet deliver a strong States.