Guernsey Press

Now this site suits key workers

IT SEEMS more than a little ironic that just a few weeks after a fractious argument over providing key worker housing at the hospital, or less than a couple of miles away in La Charroterie, for example, the States announced that it had secured a development site for key worker housing, in La Charroterie.


Unsurprisingly, all the States committees involved are excited at the prospect of securing a site, likely to accommodate 25 units for key workers. Specifically for the recruitment of health service staff.

The press release continues: ‘It [the site] is also ideally located due to its proximity to the hospital.’ Yet last month, it wasn't?

The £1.7m. purchase, while welcome and coming with planning permission, still won’t have homes completed until summer 2024. It also raises some questions. Will more key worker development be considered for La Charroterie (particularly the Frossard House car park)?

Should responsibility for key worker housing continues to be shared between the Housing Association and the States? Does that complicate matters?

What was the PEH green field debate all about? A genuine attempt to use, or save, a green field from development? Or a bid to stop what was perceived as a ‘power grab’ from the centre?

More clarity on key worker housing, as is planned, would be very welcome.