Guernsey Press

South Show resurgence must be sustainable

HEARTENING news coming from the South Show this weekend that it could look to do more to entertain children at next year’s show.


The show is now a far cry from the traditional two-day affair in the fields behind Sausmarez Manor, which also incorporated the Miss Holiday Queen and Miss Guernsey competitions.

The decision to trim back and move to the concept of a produce show set indoors at the St Martin’s Community Centre was no doubt taken for sensible reasons. But it felt as though the show was getting smaller in recent times.

But now, given the apparent boost in volunteer labour seen this year, there may be an appetite to look to grow it again in some fashion, which for the South may mean reopening the field in front of the community centre for some children’s entertainment.

The future of our three traditional parish shows must all be based on sustainability – not particularly environment sustainability in this instance, but the assurance that the pool of volunteers is deep enough and that the shows can adapt and evolve to continue to attract the crowds and continue to play their important role in island summers.

And to keep families coming back does require a certain level of activities and entertainment.