More power to offshore wind
THE semi-controversial renewable energy reports from the ‘Gang of 15’ appear to have had one major result already – some Jersey-based journalism has picked it up and discovered that the island’s environment minister has been talking about exactly such a thing with his Guernsey counterpart.
How serious and meaningful these talks about offshore wind power may be, which apparently might even interest Jersey’s part-privatised electricity company, we will find out soon enough, no doubt.
But at this early stage the potential is exciting, not only for offshore wind power but for genuinely useful inter-island cooperation.
This is one project where it appears that everyone can have it all. No fear of one island potentially stealing a march on the other, no need for jockeying for positioning over who is the lead partner and home domicile, but sharing the same objectives, relatively cost-efficient, reliable, clean energy. With Paris Agreement targets uppermost in minds, and concerns that the current French power link might not be the safest bet in the future, being self-sufficient and green is a long-held objective for many, politicians and public.
Islanders will be keen to hear more about whether this is a genuine option for both islands, an indication of the price tag and potential pay back, and whether it can dovetail within the new Guernsey Electricity Strategy.