Guernsey Press

Appetite for spending goes on

THE appetite for deputies to spend taxpayers’ money appears set to continue apace in 2023.


As the PEH ‘green field’ debate continues to rumble on, with Health & Social Care realising that it may as well make some noise about its ambitions for the site if its opponents will fill the airtime otherwise, more spending possibilities emerged.

In its statement yesterday HSC accepted that some consider it unfair that key worker housing can be dedicated to new arrivals to the island while locals working there get no housing help at all.

A solution? Build enough key worker units to offer homes to locals and licence-holders. Locals might work in healthcare if they get subsidised accommodation, the committee said.

‘There will be young people living with mum and dad who would consider working for HSC if we could provide them with good quality housing and the chance of living independently that they could otherwise not afford.

‘This is currently a pipe dream, but it is something that we must strive towards if we are to make working for HSC as attractive as possible for locals and those from off-island.’

Who comes up with these pipe dreams? Will these spending ambitions ever abate? Seek to resolve inequality by all means, but looking to build even more homes, as a job perk, on the taxpayer, beggars belief.