Tourism's success is a win for all
NO DOMESTIC industry seems to get people going more than tourism. Not altogether surprising when it’s an industry that many islanders would feel they have a stake in.
Anyone who flies in a plane, sails in a boat, or eats in a hotel has a view.
Economic Development has made revamping the way tourism is managed a high priority for more than two years, and although some may have been disappointed that all its talk has ‘only’ led to the establishment of the new Tourism Management Board, this is an opportunity to give industry the chance to shape its own destiny.
Its new chair, Island Coachways managing director Hannah Beacom, seems to have the potential to be a unifying force, but will have to bring this disparate industry together quickly.
She has sensibly said that the ‘quango’ will need to prove its worth if it wants to have any chance of enhanced independence from government and £1.2m. of funding.
Whatever is achieved, it will need to be sustainable, and so a three-year plan probably makes sense. As does a recognition that the tourism of the 1970s won’t be coming back, and identifying enhanced prospects from cruise liner passengers – a growing source of visitors which it surely makes sense to encourage.
Islanders should wish the board well – success for tourism is shared by us all.