Guernsey Press

Operating under fiscal constraints

LATEST publication of annual key performance indicators for Health & Social Care and the Medical Specialist Group are to be welcomed on grounds of accountability and transparency alone.


It is also heartening to see some of the statistics making targets, particularly after years of issues, many, but not solely, impacted by Covid, leading to longer waiting lists for operations.

Those have not been completely resolved, by a long chalk, but efforts are being made to improve the situation, and it is encouraging to see this commitment demonstrated in the KPIs.

There are still plenty of concerns, most notably bed-blocking, mostly because a nursing or care home bed is not available for the patient. This is not going to be fixed any time soon and brings to the fore the wider issues that this report also brings to our attention – those of ongoing health funding and the demographic ‘time bomb’.

Health costs outstripping inflation and staffing and recruitment issues within healthcare are the primary spending concern of States. Long-awaited initiatives to tackle some waiting times for operations are poised to swing into effect, but they will inevitably have a cost associated.

The joint challenge facing HSC and the MSG is going to be building on progress made to bring all KPIs back within targets, while ensuring finances stay under control.