Boat takes States into new waters
IT HAS been a pretty turbulent ride so far to get here, but ultimately the surprise news that the States of Guernsey was going to buy a boat for Condor finally appears ready to set sail.
The vessel has been found – no easy task to find a boat suitable for Jersey’s harbour – and should start services in the autumn.
But islanders are now wondering how much they will be told of the deal, and, probably more pertinently, what Condor is going to do with the vessel and how Guernsey will benefit.
In terms of transparency, prospects appear slim. The States is a keynote investor in the Guernsey Investment Fund, but as an unlisted fund, it says information is private and confidential to shareholders.
On Condor’s plans, information is so far limited. The Straitsman will offer resilience in case of scheduled maintenance or breakdown, and back-up, though it is slower than the Clipper, and Condor has hinted at freight services from France, and better inter-island connectivity, which will surely be welcomed.
But what islanders will really want to know is how will Guernsey, as benefactors in this deal, really benefit? Financially – is Condor at least part-leasing the boat? Is it with connectivity, and we get better routes, timings and day-trip opportunities than our Jersey cousins? Or are we just sailing into unchartered waters?