Small steps forward on health share
IT WAS a surprise, given apparent continued antipathy towards joint working with Jersey over health matters, to learn that Guernsey and Jersey have launched a ‘Public Health alliance’, aimed at increasing efficiencies and securing better value for money on jointly-commissioned work, sharing expertise and resources.
In terms of running public health campaigns, the idea seems a ‘no brainer’, but although Public Health teams from both islands have met this week, the initial announcement of the collaboration pointedly made no specific reference to how they might work together.
Islanders may also remember the very different approaches taken by Guernsey and Jersey over the Covid pandemic. Not that they were in direct conflict, but often the view from Guernsey was that Jersey would wish to take an alternate approach to matters, almost, it seemed, on a point of principle.
Working together on public health programmes should prove positive for the islands. The two directors said yesterday that their focus was on a forward-looking agenda, which should prove cost-effective. The peer challenge could lead to enhanced outcomes.
These are early days, and we look forward to the results. The real game-changer in sharing health resources would be in cooperation over treatment and services, as was once mooted, on radiotherapy, for example.