Early call is the right decision
YESTERDAY minds were starting to be focused on the potential impact of Storm Ciaran. To cancel or not to cancel. To close or to stay open. To work or not. All sensible discussions being had by all sorts of organisations and families.
Most will welcome the clear, concise and rapid information from the States in relation to the decision, taken mid-morning yesterday, to close the schools tomorrow.
While none of us are taking a ‘Michael Fish’ stance on the accuracy of the forecast, equally none of us can foretell the impact of 80mph winds on our homes, gardens, streets, sea walls and the island more generally.
But anyone who has sat in their kitchen with half-dressed children and a dusting of snow on the ground outside will know the agony of waiting for a clear decision on whether schools will be open or closed – and the relief when the ultimate decision is communicated.
So by deciding to close early, the States has made family life a lot easier for most. We can plan, those of us who can, will work from home, and it was looking likely yesterday that many workplaces were also coming to a conclusion on what they would do tomorrow in good time.
We hope that Storm Ciaran passes us by with little impact. But when safety and security is everything, sacrificing a day from the normal routine is little hardship.