Guernsey Press

A bridge too far?

So much to do, so little money.

Last updated

They might have millions of pounds of tax money at their disposal, but Guernsey’s States members also have an ever-growing list of pricey capital projects in need of funding.

The latest to make headlines is the replacement of the Castle Cornet bridge, which is estimated to come with a price tag of between £6m. and £7m.

The question is, is this a ‘must do’ infrastructure project, or does it belong in the ‘nice to have’ pile, especially considering the castle is closed throughout the winter months?

According to the June 2022 Government Work Plan, it is the former. But with P&R’s great revenue-raising hope of GST having been rejected, finding the funding for all the many competing ‘must do’ projects has become a bit of a problem.

Without the work, the current bridge will need to close due to risk of collapse, thereby restricting access to the castle, a flat, the breakwater and the lighthouse.

That sounds important – but is it as important as, for example, ESC’s £130m. plans for the reorganisation of secondary and further education? Or HSC’s £120m. PEH redevelopment plans?

It might seem like small fry in comparison to those two mammoth projects, but £7m. is still a substantial sum.

The money has already been approved as part of the Funding and Investment Plan, but with the future of the Les Ozouets campus in doubt due to lack of funding, questions might well be asked about the States’ spending priorities.