An issue for many local families
If we thought that States members had had it tough in 2023, it almost pales into insignificance in comparison with the debate that is scheduled before this summer on ‘Slaws’ – the Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy.

This will almost certainly once again raise the uncomfortable notion of a family home being used to support the long-term care needs of an individual or individuals.
This has already been rejected once, by the previous States, and clearly has already got those involved in the Slaws project uncomfortable even mentioning the prospect again.
The States funding and investment plan last year chose to steer away from our demographics issue and instead unsuccessfully focused on States capital spending. But the matter is front and centre again now.
Seven years ago the States approved the principles of the strategy – broadly speaking, make long term care more affordable and fairer, extend support for people remaining in their own homes for longer, and understand exactly what is needed for cater for our ageing population.
But the issue of how to fund it has, unsurprisingly, so far been ducked. It can’t be any longer. This is an issue which matters to many local families and may do so for decades. This is a matter which must be addressed, if not embraced, by our community, and it will be far from easy to resolve.