Show we’re not busy doing nothing
Much of the early feedback from the initial meetings of the new-look Policy & Resources Committee was about individual responsibilities on the committee – which members were getting what responsibilities.

While this was of moderate interest, it did flag up questions about P&R’s performance and record in recent times. In short, either its sub-committees or responsibilities have not been doing very much, or government communications has done a poor job in telling the public about their achievements.
When tributes of a sort were paid to departing members of the former committee, some reference was made to their work. On property rationalisation, for example, we were advised of some progress having been made. But the public will probably best remember the sale of the former Education offices in the Grange, and one single update rapidly overtaken by a row over building grandiose houses near the Castel Hospital.
But what about the Reducing the Cost of Public Services sub-committee? What progress has been made on the transformation of public services? Digital workstreams; relationships with the douzaines; reshaping government; third sector engagement; making the Government Work Plan effective – stop laughing at the back.
These are all important issues which appear as though they haven’t been all that important to the committee. The public would surely welcome some indication of progress or, if none has been made, to understand why not.