This charity aims to end at home
ONE of the aims of the new homelessness charity launched with some fanfare this week is to highlight the issue locally.
So It can be assumed that first move has already been achieved to some extent.
Guernsey traditionally has considered itself virtually immune from homelessness, mainly because we don’t see people wrapped up in cardboard sheets in shop doorways at night.
But, as the charity has highlighted, homelessness can be found in so many ways, and so often creeps up on individuals both unexpectedly, and rapidly.
Help too, can be delivered in many ways, but the most obvious one – a roof over the head for those in distress – would seem to be by far the most difficult to achieve, even if it would seem likely that such a premises would be filled quickly.
The charity has ambitious plans and seemingly realistic staging posts on the way.
There are plenty of action points identified, but can’t yet say which of those will prove most important.
As At Home in Guernsey makes its first waves in highlighting the issue, those behind it will already know that it has some way to go before we can say we’ve solved our ‘hidden’ problem.
But it’s a positive start.