Will things be different this time?
Our front page headline today is intended to make you think. It has at least two possible meanings.
And it’s an important issue which needs to be addressed before we go to the ballot box in June 2025 and elect our next government. Inevitably they shall become known as ‘the worst States ever’. Or is that inevitable? Can things change? Can we have a government that we believe works for the island, and its people?
That’s what some people are currently agitating to fix from outside the States, as well as a group working on machinery of government changes from the inside. Do either stand any chance of making things better, and doing so within the next 12 months?
Let’s say we best temper expectations – all of them.
Temper expectations that government will change, and create more change for the better. That new candidates will work better together, and get more done.
That doing the same things might lead to different results. That islanders might think a little harder about our expectations of our States and, indeed, life in general.
For the Guernsey Press, Election 2025 starts here. We’ll be with you to the ballot box and beyond.
Election facts
On the opinion page today you’ll see the first of a series of Election 2025 facts. They have been provided by the Policy & Resources Committee, in a bid to aid public understanding of government issues and potentially enhance the knowledge of prospective candidates and voters. We are happy to offer the opportunity.