Guernsey Press

More home truths

HOUSING has been a hot topic in Guernsey for what sometimes seems like forever – and with no end in sight.


The problem is that everyone has a different view on the housing situation, depending on their own particular circumstances and interests.

Many believe house prices are too high, especially those struggling to get a foot on the property ladder. Others, primarily existing homeowners and developers, think them too low.

Some say there aren’t enough of them and we need to free up more land to build more. Others think the island is already overdeveloped enough and we need to preserve what little is left of our green spaces.

In today’s paper alone, we have a letter from Gpeg chairman Lord Digby Jones stating that Guernsey requires ‘a substantial increase in the number of residences available at all value levels on the open market’ to deal with the influx of people looking to relocate to the island due to the UK Labour Government’s tax policies.

Meanwhile, Bob Perkins claims that ‘we haven’t really got enough land left on which to build unless we want to become wall-to-wall suburb’.

We also have the news that UK company Arc4 is currently in the island to talk to householders about what is preventing them downsizing, which the States believes could help free up larger properties for families and second-time movers, in turn freeing up smaller houses for first-time buyers.

Everyone’s views, ideas and needs are valid. If only there was a one-size-fits-all solution that would please them all.