Guernsey Press

End of an era for Fermain

NOTHING lasts forever. Change is inevitable.


However, sometimes we might question if change is entirely necessary.

When Fermain Beach Cafe was advertised for rent earlier this year, it was listed as a ‘hospitality opportunity with development potential’, with suggestions that the site could be expanded to three storeys.

However, the existing leaseholder, Belmiro de Freitas, said he had no plans to leave, having invested more than 20 years of time and effort into the site.

Although his lease was due to come up for renewal this year, there had been no indications that the place was in decline, or in need of fresh investment. Locals and tourists still flocked to the popular venue, which had been named the second best cafe in the world by the Guardian in 2007.

A petition was even launched in an attempt to keep the current tenant in place, which garnered nearly 3,000 signatures.

But it was not to be.

The States Property Unit has now confirmed that a new tenant will shortly be taking over the Fermain cafe lease.

No doubt, they will do a great job – but they might do well to keep in mind what Mr de Freitas said when asked earlier this year about his thoughts on the potential development of the site.

‘The cafe and the valley, they are like a little diamond, and if you polish it too much it loses its sparkle,’ he said.