Guernsey Press

Working together is the future

NEWS that the island’s mental health service is struggling to cope with demand will surprise few. It’s an epidemic for our age.


Why and how will be the subject of debate, but the reality is that plenty of people are seeking support for their mental health, and often the established services locally can’t cope with the numbers needing assistance.

Hence the charity Mind has been stepping up and playing an ever-more significant role with early-stage interventions. But it too has limited resources and can only do so much.

However recognition from Health & Social Care that the best solution was to agree a partnership with the charity to try to address relatively low-level issues under the banner of ‘supported self-help’ is welcome. The cost for a year, £65,000, would barely pay the employment costs of one new member of staff at HSC and seems an eminently sensible suggestion to link with a project that’s already been going a year.

We’re told now that this is one of more than 30 formally commissioned services now in place, costing more than £5m. a year, but almost certainly representing incredible value, both socially and for the taxpayer.

Clearly the States needs to look for more of these, rather than taking issues in-house, supporting specialists and volunteers in doing what they do best for the good of our community – and should be telling us about it.