This was a rally great success
TURN the clock back 24, even 18 months, and these weren’t happy times for motor sport organisers in the island.
They had endured a successful, but traumatic, 2023 rally, and then been told by the authorities, who seemed keener to look for ways to stop the rally than to permit it, that it was off for 2024.
The States said it could not justify the administrative costs involved. It went on to reference ‘reviewing all non-core services’ and then waffling on about ‘meeting the costs of an ageing population’, inflation and ‘significant pressure to provide more housing’ – whatever that had to do with it.
It must have been upsetting for the organisers too to have had to endure significant controversy, protests in the roads, and wilful damage to the course, when all they were trying to do was enjoy their sport for two days in 365.
Somehow, over a six-month period, the mood changed, and permission was granted for 2025.
The rally has bounced back in style. It’s not for everyone, but there’s hardly been a negative word said, visitors have taken away a great impression of the island, bed nights have been filled off-season, and everyone involved has a smile on their face.
The States said most of the problems from 2023 revolved dealing with complaints.
Hopefully this year’s process has avoided all that, and the rally is properly back on the roads.