Guernsey Press

The tale of a term: from student loans to benefits

With islanders going to the polls tomorrow to elect a new Assembly, Nick Mann takes a look back on the key recorded votes of the last four years...


With islanders going to the polls tomorrow to elect a new Assembly, Nick Mann takes a look back on the key recorded votes of the last four years...


As always with a new States it takes a while to get up and running with major reports.

The volume of States business was nowhere as heavy in 2008 as it was by the end of the term, but, given the controversy it caused when it was introduced, students loans was a key political change in direction to mark this Assembly out from its predecessor.

The Fallaize requete to overturn student loans in favour of continuing with the current grant system:

For: Deputies Domaille, A. Langlois, Gollop, Matthews, Steere, Storey, Collins, Gillson, Maindonald, Ogier, Rihoy, Stephens, Fallaize, Spruce, Lowe, Jones, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, Le Pelley, McManus, Paint, Garrett, Brouard, De Lisle, Laine, S. Langlois, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Hadley and Alderney representative Willmott. 34

Against: Deputies Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, Kuttelwascher, Honeybill, Gallienne, Mahy, Guille, Sirett, Le Sauvage. 10

Absent: Deputies: Trott, Flouquet and Alderney representative Walden.


Education was again in the spotlight, this time over its proposal to shut St Sampson's infants but keep St Andrew's Primary open – much campaigning by interest groups ensued. In the end both were narrowly saved.

And this was the year that the long twisted road on the waste strategy really began.

Primary school closures

To close St Sampson's Infant School

For: Deputies Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, Domaille, A. Langlois, Kuttelwascher, Steere, Honeybill, Maindonald, Fallaize, Mahy, Spruce, Guille, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, Le Pelley, Flouquet, Brouard, Laine, S. Langlois, Sirett, Parkinson. 23

Against: Deputies Gollop, Matthews, Storey, Gallienne, Collins, Gillson, Ogier, Rihoy, Trott, Stephens, Lowe, Jones, McManus, Paint, Garrett, De Lisle, Dudley-Owen, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage, Hadley and Alderney representatives Willmott and Walden. 24.

To keep St Andrew's Primary School open:

For: Deputies A. Langlois, Gollop, Matthews, Storey, Gallienne, Collins, Gillson, Ogier, Rihoy, Trott, Stephens, Lowe, Jones, Le Pelley, McManus, Paint, Garrett, Brouard, De Lisle, Laine, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage, Hadley and Alderney representatives Willmott and Walden. 29

Against: Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, Domaille, Kuttelwascher, Steere, Honeybill, Maindonald, Fallaize, Mahy, Spruce, Guille, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, Flouquet, Langlois, Sirett. 18

Paid parking

The Brouard amendment which threw out paid parking and instead aimed to help fund the road transport strategy by increasing fuel duty by 1.2p per litre.

For: Deputies Tasker, Domaille, A. Langlois, Gollop, Storey, Honeybill, Gillson, Maindonald, Rihoy, Trott, Stephens, Spruce, Lowe, Jones, Dorey, McManus, Paint, Garrett, Brouard, De Lisle, Sirett, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage. 24

Against: Deputies Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Kuttelwascher, Matthews, Steere, Gallienne, Collins, Ogier, Fallaize, Mahy, Guille, Le Lievre, Adam, Le Pelley, Flouquet, S. Langlois, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, Quin, Hadley and Alderney representatives Willmott and Walden. 22

Absent: Deputy Laine.

How they voted on the proposal to appoint Suez to build a £90m. waste plant, which included an incinerator and sorting facility:

For: Deputies Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, Domaille, A. Langlois, Steere, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Gillson, Ogier, Trott, Stephens, Fallaize, Mahy, Spruce, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, Le Pelley, Paint, Flouquet, Garrett, Laine, S. Langlois, Sirett, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Hadley and Alderney representative Willmott. 32

Against: Deputies Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Collins, Rihoy, Lowe, Guille, Jones, McManus, Brouard, De Lisle, Dudley-Owen. 12

Abstained: Deputies Maindonald, Le Sauvage and Alderney representative Bennett.


The Kuttelwascher requete brought the Suez waste plant issue back to the States, but they key vote was on the Lowe amendment to that motion, this proposed throwing out Suez and drawing up a revised strategy.

It was noticeable that all five members of the Environment Department abstained from voting.

It was also the year when the States Strategic Plan hit the headlines primarily because of the controversial bowel cancer screening debate. Although no new money was voted through for a screening programme this time, it was later introduced.

How they voted on whether to reject Suez and start again with the waste strategy

For: Brehaut, Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Steere, Storey, Collins, Ogier, Rihoy, Fallaize, Lowe, Guille, Jones, Le Lievre, Dorey, Le Pelley, McManus, Brouard, De Lisle, Dudley-Owen, Sillars. 21

Against: McNulty Bauer, Domaille, A. Langlois, Gallienne, Gillson, Trott, Stephens, Mahy, Spruce, Adam, Flouquet, Garrett, Laine, S. Langlois, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Hadley and Alderney representatives Willmott and Walden. 20

Abstained: Tasker, Honeybill, Maindonald, Paint, Sirett, Le Sauvage.

The Fallaize amendment to spend £200,000 on a bowel cancer screening programme instead of £250,000 on improving storage of museum objects:

For: Deputies Brehaut, Domaille, Kuttelwascher, Matthews, Steere, Collins, Fallaize, Spruce, Lowe, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, Le Pelley, McManus, Flouquet, Brouard, De Lisle, Laine, Hadley and Alderney representatives Willmott and Kelly. 21

Against: Deputies Tasker, A. Langlois, Gollop, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Gillson, Ogier, Rihoy, Trott, Stephens, Mahy, Guille, Jones, Paint, Garrett, S. Langlois, Sirett, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, O'Hara, Sillars, Sauvage. 23

Absent: Deputies McNulty Bauer, Maindonald, Quin.


It was the year island-wide voting proposals came back in detail. Two options were seriously debated by the Assembly, both lost. But given the widespread popular support for some from of island-wide system, and a machinery of government review in the offing, it is hard not to see the new Assembly revisiting the issue at some stage.

The Rihoy amendment to have 10 deputies voted for island-wide and 35 voted for by district:

For: Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Collins, Rihoy, Trott, Fallaize, Spruce, Lowe, Le Lievre, Le Pelley, McManus, Brouard, S. Langlois, Dudley-Owen. 15

Against: Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, A. Langlois, Steere, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Gillson, Maindonald, Ogier, Stephens, Mahy, Guille, Jones, Dorey, Adam, Paint, Flouquet, De Lisle, Laine, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage, Hadley and Alderney representatives Kelly and Arditti. 28

Absent: Domaille, Garrett, Sirett, Parkinson.

That all 45 deputies should be elected on an island-wide basis:

For: Tasker, Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Maindonald, Rihoy, Trott, Stephens, Spruce, Lowe, Guille, Jones, Le Pelley, Paint. 14

Against: Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, A. Langlois, Steere, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Collins, Gillson, Ogier, Fallaize, Mahy, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, McManus, Flouquet, Brouard, De Lisle, Laine, S. Langlois, Dudley-Owen, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage, Hadley and Alderney representatives Kelly and Arditti. 29

Absent: Domaille, Garrett, Sirett, Parkinson.

The Paint widows' pension requete

For: Deputies A. Langlois, Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Rihoy, Stephens, Spruce, Jones, Le Pelley, Paint, Garrett, De Lisle, Le Sauvage and Alderney representative Kelly. 17

Against: Deputies Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, Domaille, Steere, Collins, Gillson, Maindonald, Ogier, Trott, Fallaize, Mahy, Lowe, Guille, Le Lievre, Dorey, Adam, McManus, Flouquet, Brouard, Laine, S. Langlois, Sirett, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, Quin, Sillars, Hadley and Alderney representative Arditti. 29

Absent: Deputy O'Hara.


It was back to a waste strategy again earlier this year. The key vote was taken on the Spruce amendment, which aimed to keep an on-island solution in the running:

For: Brehaut, McNulty Bauer, Tasker, A. Langlois, Steere, Storey, Gallienne, Gillson, Maindonald, Trott, Stephens, Fallaize, Mahy, Spruce, Adam, Paint, Garrett, Laine, S. Langlois, Sirett, Hadley. 21

Against: Deputies Kuttelwascher, Gollop, Matthews, Collins, Ogier, Lowe, Guille, Jones, Le Lievre, Dorey, Le Pelley, McManus, Flouquet, Brouard, De Lisle, Dudley-Owen, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars, Le Sauvage and Alderney representatives Kelly and Arditti. 23

Absent: Deputies Domaille, Honeybill and Rihoy.

How they voted on Social Security's proposals to increase benefits in line with the minimum income standard for Guernsey:

For: Deputies Brehaut, Tasker, Gollop, Matthews, Collins, Maindonald, Ogier, Rihoy, Stephens, Fallaize, Lowe, Guille, Jones, Le Lievre, Dorey, Le Pelley, McManus, Brouard, Laine, Dudley-Owen, Le Sauvage and Alderney representative Kelly. 22

Against: McNulty Bauer, Domaille, A. Langlois, Kuttelwascher, Storey, Honeybill, Gallienne, Gillson, Trott, Mahy, Spruce, Adam, Paint, Flouquet, Garrett, De Lisle, S. Langlois, Sirett, Parkinson, Quin, O'Hara, Sillars. 22

Absent: Deputies Steere, Hadley.

Abstained: Alderney representative Sargent.

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