Parking will improve access to heritage
LAST week's planning applications to the Environment Department included one from the National Trust of Guernsey, seeking to remove a section of an earth bank and create a 'parking area'.
This property was bequeathed to the National Trust in the 1990s by the Le Hurays, who had farmed their cows in the surrounding fields throughout their lives.
They never owned a car, let alone a 'parking area'.
When going out, the Le Hurays walked or caught a bus or he would use his bicycle.
The National Trust's mission statement 'aims to preserve and enhance the island's natural beauty, its historic buildings and its heritage'.
Does creating a 'parking area' – albeit a modest one – truly enhance the island's natural beauty or preserve its heritage?
What would the Le Hurays have thought about all this?
Does the Les Caches Farm development properly reflect the National Trust's mission?
Has the National Trust properly considered the inevitable detrimental environmental impact that this development entails?
Editor's footnote: Martin Ozanne, president of the National Trust of Guernsey, responds: 'Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this letter from your reader, who is quite correct in stating that the Les Caches land was bequeathed to the Trust by the Le Huray family back in the early 1990s, which land included three main buildings, all of which have been subject to sympathetic renovation.
Firstly, the 19th century farmhouse, which the trust renovated in 1999, and then the thatched barn, which was restored in 2007 as an example of how a 15th century vernacular dwelling would have looked circa 1800. And lastly, the outbuildings, which are currently being rebuilt as described by Andrew Dyke, our well-respected building advisor, in this years' autumn edition of the trust's newsletter.
The recent application for a small car park has been made to the Environment Department as it is envisaged that locals and visitors alike may be encouraged to visit Les Caches once the renovation programme is complete, in order that they may appreciate the fine granite buildings and understand more fully their history. If approved, this parking area will relieve the adjacent narrow roadway, which provides the only access driveway to the properties.
The application is for four parking spaces, including one space for the disabled, with the parking area immediately adjacent to the south side of the thatched barn and consisting of a hoggin and rolled gravel surface with an interlocking grid system, which will allow grass to grow through. This area will not prevent the present farmer from grazing his cattle.
Mention is made in your reader's letter to the trust's mission statement, namely "to preserve and enhance the island's natural beauty, its historic buildings and its heritage". It is for this very reason that the trust has undertaken the careful restoration of these buildings over the past 15 years and cannot accept that the introduction of this small "green" car park can be seen as detrimental to the overall project, which has only been possible by the kind Le Huray bequest.
If the letter writer wishes to contact me, I would be only too pleased to show them the work that is being done and explain what we are trying to achieve to allow those who in some cases are disabled to visit this most important part of Guernsey's heritage, and now being preserved for future generations.'