Parents turn lives around but can't get children back
ALL I can say to social workers and Safeguarders is, give people a chance. I have been told that social workers only get one side of a story from the mother's side of the family. The father's side of the family has never been asked how the child or children are when they are with them.
I know a couple who have had their children taken away from them, as the mother has had ups and downs and the father has always stood by his wife and they go to a contact centre to see their children. The mother has pulled herself together and they have a lovely home, and they have been to court but still cannot have their children back. I have been told that in court the advocate for Social Services and Safeguarders just brings the couple down to the judge. Not one good word to say about how they have changed their lives; the judge is only given all the bad things.
My God, if they took all the children away from their mother and father because of arguments in front of the children, there would be hundreds of children in care.
This couple just want their children back home. Well, maybe we need Sir James Manly, president of the High Court family division from Bristol and MP John Hemming to come over to Guernsey and sort out Social Services and sit on some cases.
Name and address withheld.
PS – This couple have turned their life around, but still get put down by social workers. There are people on this island that take drugs and still have their children living with them, as they have never been involved with Social Services and the police.
I believe people can change with help, like the couple I know.