Contractor will work until new generator meets noise spec
I HEAR this morning that Guernsey Electricity has had to put shipping containers around the new £14m. generator because of noise complaints.
I understand they have only been able to run this wonderful new equipment at restricted times due to the noise problems involved.
As a taxpayer, I must ask who wrote the specifications for this white elephant and is he/she still in a job? An important question is, how much dearer was the next highest tender and would that have been a better investment?
It seems to me that there are some cover-ups going on at GE and I do not for one minute believe their story about the incident at Barker's Quarry, which led to us being unable to draw supplies through the cable link for some time. Perhaps it is time we kicked out the highly paid managers and put politicians back in control at GE?
Trev's Motorcycles.
Editor's footnote: Bob Beebe, operations director, responds: 'Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to your reader's letter about our recent investment in essential infrastructure. Our contractor, Wartsila, is undertaking noise-level tests to ensure the new engine meets the required stringent sound levels specified by Guernsey Electricity in the contract. While we take any noise complaints seriously and work with our neighbours wherever possible, it is important to note that the new generator is the quietest on the power station site, demonstrating that we strive for continual improvement in any new investment.
While we are disappointed that there has been a delay in the full commissioning of the engine, we are an engineering company and in any major infrastructure project there is always provision made for delay.
In this case, the costs of delay and of installing extra noise-control measures are being met by our contractor, ensuring that our customers are not adversely affected.
The contractor is confident that our noise specifications can be met and it is important to emphasise that with every new piece of infrastructure we invest in, it is important to move forward and ensure that advances in technology are utilised to bring the best performance, at the best price and with the least impact on the environment. We have to remember that this new engine will still be running on this site in 35 years' time, so it is important that we get it right now before taking it over contractually and achieve the performance that we want, and that our customers deserve.'