Guernsey Press

Politicking is an ugly business

FOLLOWING the bowel screening articles in the press, the latest, 'Deputies sign a letter asking entire HSSD board to resign', just seems to smack of politicking, mainly from the usual suspects.


I expect that many other islanders are pretty fed up with the continual assault on the principal working boards within the States, whether it's the waste strategy, Aurigny, health, finance etc, the usual mainly non-office-holders are there hammering away without making any useful contribution to the actual running of the island.

Most of the ministers running departments are decent, hard-working people doing their best to improve and enhance the island and relying on their professional civil servants to get the number-crunching right.

It seems that those who step up to the plate to do a job of work and are earning their corn, nowadays immediately put themselves in the stocks to be pilloried and bloodied almost from day one.

Can't the usual bunch of verbose deputies give it a rest and let decent ministers get on with the job? By all means advise, comment and work to make changes and improvements you consider desirable but remember that they, as will you, be judged at the next elections.

I, for one, will be voting for those giving time and commitment to running the island rather than the rabble rousing sideliners who sensationalise to make local politics ugly.


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