We need proper debate on TV licence fee issue
DEAR citizens. In an article in the Guernsey Press of 12 December about TV licences, Deputy Dave Jones said he is now considering laying a requete to force a debate after a judge recently fined four people for not having a TV licence.
Citizens, Deputy Jones should have said that a judge recently fined four Guernsey citizens for not paying a tax to the UK Government for watching a television in Guernsey. Our Deputy Jones feared the move (the fine) set a precedent for more legislation being extended without proper debate.
Deputy Jones, without a proper debate, it will in fact set a very dangerous precedent, not only for Guernsey citizens, but for our States, who will be obliged to allow the UK Government to extend its taxation on its political policy on taxing its own finance sector to Guernsey.
Citizens, Pandora's box, once opened, will indeed allow the UK Government to extend many complicated taxation policies to be legally payable by all Guernsey citizens, including the Guernsey finance sector.
Citizens, the letter in the Guernsey Press of 12 December, Alison and Martyn Torode said we should pay for the service (BBC) that we receive, but in a way that is not a UK tax and is proportionate to the service that we do receive. Indeed, citizens. Therefore, in my previous letter, I stated that the BBC World and BBC America is now available in more than 350 million homes in 200 countries, and 80 million homes in America, all by a voluntary payment to the BBC. I also said why not a voluntary payment from Guernsey citizens to the BBC.
Therefore, is it not curious that the BBC have not replied in response to my question why we, the citizens of Guernsey, cannot voluntarily pay the BBC for their service from Guernsey? Therefore will the BBC give a response to the following question:
Your BBC charter and agreement with the UK Government prohibits licence fee revenue being used to fund any service aimed primarily at users outside the UK. Services received overseas are therefore funded through commercial revenue such as advertising revenue. My dear BBC, can you explain to the citizens of Guernsey how the BBC's revenue is received through this commercial revenue, therefore giving the citizens of Guernsey that choice for your funding of your services?