Deputies are carrier pigeons for civil service
I WISH to thank Deputy Mark Dorey for endeavouring to reply to my recent letter, in which I raised a number of points of concern, one being the fleet of cars currently on order and due to arrive any day now. However, it does appear the civil servants have again been less than honest.
Contrary to what Deputy Dorey is saying, my sources have assured me that there is a large number of Peugeot saloons arriving, to be distributed around States departments, and HSSD is just one of them. Also, while I would very much like to raise my other concerns to various heads of departments, this would unfortunately reveal the names of whistleblowers, the individuals working within the health department whose genuine concerns I share publicly.
Having thanked Deputy Dorey for a response, I do note that history is about to repeat itself, where we once again have a Health minister facing a vote of no confidence.
The only sympathy I can offer him is, in my opinion, the fact that all his fellow deputies could do no better, for like Deputy Dorey they dare not fail to comply with the dictates of their civil-service managers. Those who try to do what might be best for the island or the health service are soon reprimanded by the men and women in black – Deputy Hunter Adam let that slip on one radio phone-in, I seem to recall.
Another worrying outcome for the political Health board and for Deputy Dorey in particular was the sudden resignation of Deputy Sandra James from his board. This is a great pity for she must have been the only deputy on that board with any real experience in health matters and indeed any credibility on this matter. No doubt frustration and gagging had something to do with her decision, a warning I expressed following a Press article she made some time back.
To further support my claim above, we have yet another crisis where Deputy Dorey is protecting the civil service managers in accepting public embarrassment and humiliation in an effort to hang on to his ministerial post, declaring it was a gaffe and misunderstanding on his part. While this might be very gallant of Deputy Dorey, nothing will change, for more finances will not be found for bowel cancer screening or any other, only to be used on yet more managers rather than services.
I am sure that, at heart, Deputy Dorey might be well-intentioned and if I can offer any advice to him at all, it is watch your back and do not allow yourself to be treated as a sacrificial pawn in this game of supposed politics.
I would like to once again congratulate Deputy Mike Hadley on having a conscience and being willing to challenge the bureaucracy and system in pursuit of what he believes is for the good of all. Sadly, Deputy Hadley appears to be the only one of 45 who honours his pledges, that being to support the interests of the island. It is regrettable most of our deputies do not represent the island as a whole, only the capitalists, international and national businesses. From the chief minister down, having sought public votes to acquire their social standing, they now have no thought or care for those on the breadline and struggling to pay bills.
Some might think that such a statement is rather harsh, but let us look at the facts and back over 2013 and see just what our deputies, the civil service carrier pigeons, have achieved for the average islander. School closures, hospital wards closed, refuse collection to double household rates, public toilet closures, the list just goes on.
My wish for 2014 is for the public to rally to the cause of speaking out and seeking value for money by employing deputies who are not just civil service pawns, but made accountable for their actions.
In closing, I wish to congratulate the Guernsey Press on their open and honest reporting during 2013, particularly their political observations.
Name and address withheld.