Guernsey Press

We could get a dictator as PM

I PERSONALLY believe it is every citizen's responsibility to cast their vote; but when talking to people about this am frequently told, 'well why should we? They do what they want to anyway and take no notice of what we say'. I must admit to having some sympathy with the statement.


There was, on Tuesday 8 July, a debate upon 'executive' style government, instead of the government style existing today, which is by committee.

As I understand it, and I may be wrong, executive-style government would be similar to that form of government in the UK. That is, there would be a prime minister, who would form a government out of members of the ruling elected members of the day. It would be the gift of the prime minister to appoint department heads, or frontbench MPs to head up committees, which would make the decisions that run Guernsey.

The difference from the UK's form of government and that which is proposed is simple and of vast and vital importance.

We, the electorate, would not know who would be elected to be the prime minister. The deputies we elect would not entrust the electorate to make that choice. We could end up with a benign dictator. Alternatively, we might have an entirely unscrupulous, power-hungry megalomaniac. After all, we do not seem to have any power to rid ourselves of poor governments at present and if there is such a power, it would be eradicated by our new dictator.

If, as I am told by many, this States is as bad as or worse than the last, it is definitely time to put aside apathy or disgust and start telling the deputies that they have no mandate to change our States. If something doesn't start being done, it may be too late to change. We think we have another year or so to vote this lot out – a dictator could easily put off an election so that we get to vote, or not as the case may be, for a new government in 2022. Giving this States a 10-year tenure or longer. What would Guernsey look like then? I think it would beggar belief.


Ma Carriere,

Le Petit Bouet,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AN.

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