Guernsey Press

Conflicting information about Immuno Biotech/GcMaf

DAVID NOAKES, the chief executive officer of Immuno Biotec claims there is a conspiracy to close his company down because its cure for cancer (sic) threatens the large pharmaceutical companies. Mr Noakes was once a candidate for leadership of UKIP and believes the European Union is itself a huge conspiracy.


He has invited States deputies to a presentation at St Pierre Park and a party at his home in Fort George to present the evidence for the use of GcMaf. Some are being misled by the scientific papers quoted and are impressed by the support from Professor Marco Ruggiero.

One of my colleagues recently referred me to a paper, which had impressed him. In fact the paper was published 12 years ago and gave details of test tube experiments. There have not been any proper clinical trials with patients to demonstrate the efficacy of GcMaf.

Professor Ruggerio is supported in his efforts to promote GcMaf by the Alliance for Natural Health, which was founded by Dr Robert Verkerk, who mounted a campaign in Guernsey to try and stop essential legislation on food supplements being introduced.

Professor Ruggiero does not believe that Aids is caused by HIV and believes that it can be cured by taking probiotic yoghurt. He has claimed to have carried out clinical trials on GcMaf but these did not conform to the correct protocols and were in contravention of Italian regulations.

Because he teaches and has passed these views on to students, and because he has made claims regarding GcMaf which cannot be substantiated, he has been admonished by the University of Florence, is no longer allowed to impart his views to students and has been reported to the medical authorities.

GcMaf is being supplied free of charge to patients but they have to pay very large amounts of money for other products which have to be taken at the same time. The companies' web site lists Bravo probiotic at 550 euros.

It is a serious concern that vulnerable, very ill people will spend large sums of money with Immuno Biotec instead of using proven treatments, which may save their lives.


La Rocque,

La Bouvee,

St Martin's,

GY4 6BQ.

Editor's footnote: David Noakes, CEO of Immuno Biotech Ltd, responds: 'In reply, I don't use the pointless word conspiracy, because its definition is "two or more people working together for the same cause." That, uselessly, covers just about anything.

In the 2009 Lisbon Treaty, the EU is defined as a three-tier unelected politburo, where politicians choose politicians to rule us. That's a dictatorship, and the EU parliament is designed to be a powerless sham.

230 people attended the presentation at St Pierre Park by Professor Marco Ruggiero MD, who discussed proven science from the 180 GcMaf scientists from eight nations. They've written peer-reviewed research papers published in the world's most prestigious scientific journals. Professor Ruggiero is quite brilliant, and you cannot argue against so large a number of scientists.

Every three months we hold a participant party at Fort George, where people who have just started can chat to those who are already cured, to an exceptionally smooth jazz band. But anyone can come.

The first scientific paper published on the human GcMaf protein was in 1990. Firstly, papers were on test-tube experiments, then on mice, then on superb clinical results in humans. Of the 22 research papers published by Immuno Biotech Ltd, our Guernsey company, six are clinical results papers. Four cover our German and Swiss clinics, where we reduce cancer tumour size by 25% a week, of course without side effects. These are also all peer reviewed and published in the world's most prestigious scientific journals. See for links to the papers.

The 'essential' legislation of food supplements is the beginning of a political campaign to deny the public access to essential vitamins. This is part of the EU's Codex Alimentaris.

When fully implemented, many will die, but most of our deputies disgracefully voted for it. Dr Robert Verkerk is quite correct in what he says.

Prof Ruggiero developed an Aids drug while working for a big pharmaceutical company in the USA 30 years ago. Since then, big pharma companies have taken some of their banned chemo poisons and rebranded them as drugs to kill the HIV virus. Prof Ruggiero proved that Aids really is Acquired Immune System Deficiency, and that HIV is just one of a hundred opportune viruses you catch when your immune system is collapsed.

Therefore, if one of these drugs works and it does get rid of your HIV virus, you've still got 99 other viruses to go, and you still haven't cured the problem, i.e, your immune system still doesn't work. Prof Ruggiero effectively proved these chemo companies were selling a fraud.

Their response was to ask the University of Florence to withdraw his professorship. Worrying times, but the university reviewed his research papers, concluded that Prof Ruggiero was completely right, and flatly refused to withdraw his professorship. There is some justice in the world.

The claims about GcMaf curing cancer are made by 180 scientists including Prof Ruggiero. If a person has terminal stage-four cancer and has two-plus months to live, he'll be cancer-free in a year if he sticks to our GcMaf protocol, and without side effects. But 20% do fail because chemotherapy has destroyed their blood counts and immune systems, and they catch infections that are then fatal.

We have 8,000 participants worldwide and yes, we are therefore able to supply GcMaf/Goleic without charge in Guernsey. Your correspondent's statement, "but patients have to pay very large amounts of money for other products which have to be taken at the same time" is completely false.

Yes, it is of serious concern that vulnerable, very ill people under conventional treatment are often coerced to take the poison of chemotherapy, and that other, much more successful options, like GcMaf, are concealed from them. According to Guernsey's cancer reports, 390 people have died since we informed HSSD of GcMaf three years ago. Those families can attest to the fact that chemo fails in stages three and four, and according to the massive study done by the Journal of Clinical Oncology, chemo is helpful only in an appallingly low 2.3% of cases.

Yes, chemotherapy's a proven treatment – proven to fail and fail again, usually with horrific side effects.

It costs HSSD millions and it's much worse than just waste.

Can we please ask HSSD to inform at least their terminal stage-four cancer patients about GcMaf? Under the 31 January 2013 GMC Good Practice Guidelines para 68, treatment with GcMaf is then perfectly legal.'

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