Guernsey Press

Do cyclists have their own rules of the road?

IN RESPONSE to 'What's the speed limit at filters?' printed on Monday14 July. I thought I would provide a guide to the rules of the road for cyclists in Guernsey as observed by me and many others:


1. Cyclists do not have to stop when traffic lights are red... well, I think that's the case because very few do.

2. Cyclists do not have to stop at yellow lines, just keep going, everyone will move for you... well I think that's the case because very few do.

3. Cyclists do not have to adhere to 'No Entry' signs... well I think that's the case because very few do.

4. Cyclists can undertake or overtake whether it is safe to do so or not... well I think that's the case because most do.

5. Approaching a filter, cyclists can creep up the sides of cars waiting patiently in line but even better if you can fly past without slowing down, then just go whenever you're ready. The car drivers will slam on their brakes to allow this... well I think that's the case because most do.

6. Cyclists can ride two, three or even four abreast and in groups of 10-20+ thus making it difficult for car users to pass... well I think that's the case because most do.

7. Cyclists do not have to stop at pedestrian crossings even if they have traffic lights showing red. Pedestrians will move for you... well I think that's the case because most don't.

8. When, on the very rare occasion cyclists do wait in line, you can wobble around like a demented weeble rather than simply putting one foot to the ground to balance yourself... well I think that's the case because most do.

9. Cyclists do not have to worry about speed limits. We have been behind many going downhill in 25mph areas, and we are unable to pass as they are already breaking the speed limit... well I think that's the case because most do.

10. Cyclists can travel the wrong way up a one way street... well I think that's the case because most do.

11. Cyclists can ride on the pavement if it is difficult to weave in and out of vehicles... well I think that's the case because most do.

12. Cyclists can cut across to the other side of the road in order to take the shortest route when navigating a bend. If vehicles are approaching in the opposite direction don't worry they have to move not you... well I think that's the case because most do.

13. Cyclists do not have to give hand signals to alert other road users which direction they will be travelling... well I think that's the case because very few do.

Finally, I would like to point out that these rules do not apply to the normal road-conscious cyclists, only to those 'Lycra clad' idiots who feel they own the road even though they do not pay any kind of tax to do so.

Also, how do us car drivers claim for any damage they may cause to our cars? Do they have insurance to cover this? Oh yeah, cyclists rules of the road, it will be our fault so we will have to claim off our insurance!

I hope this clarifies the situation.

Name and address withheld.

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