Do quality-control clauses govern health contracts?
THANK you so much for publishing my recent letter with regard to X-ray reporting times. It actually took nearly three weeks to receive my results.
Some 20 years ago, I was part of the very small team responsible for negotiating the original contract for service between the States of Guernsey and the Medical Specialist Group and I know therefore that contained in that contract were a number of quality-control clauses. For example, how quickly referral letters should be answered, how long it should take to receive an appointment, what happens if appointments had to be cancelled etc. All designed quite properly to ensure the island received value for money and good service. I am sure such contractual obligations still exist. And probably also with any agreement HSSD may have with Primary Care.
Now, given the above, I would like to know if similar standards are incorporated within the contracts agreed with all States-employed clinicians and in particular what is the contractually expected standard for reporting on X-ray results.
La Petite Pompe,
Les Mouilpieds,
St Martin's.
Editor's footnote: HSSD were invited to comment within our seven-day deadline but declined to do so.